

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in cooking.

Korean Chives Cheesy Kimchi Pancake *부추치즈김치전 (Vegan)

Korean Chives Cheesy Kimchi Pancake *부추치즈김치전 (Vegan)

1 serving (one pancake)

1/2 cup Korean frying or pancake mix
1/2 cup water
50 grams of Korean chives
50 grams of vegan kimchi
1 green onion
1 slice of vegan cheese 1 Tbs soy sauce 2 tsp apple cider vinegar

Add soy sauce and vinegear to a dipping bowl. Chop chives into 1 inch pieces.
Dice green onion.
Chop/dice kimchi.
Cut the cheese into 1 cm pieces. Add frying mix and water in a mixing bowl.
Add the chopped chives, green onion, kimchi and cheese into the mixing bowl and lightly mix with your hands.

Heat a nonstick pan to medium high heat.
Add 3 Tbs of avocado oil to the pan when the pan is hot.
Add the mix to the pan and lower the heat to medium.
Move the pan in a circular motion to move the oil evenly under the pancake.
After 1 minute, raise the heat a little bit (lower than medium high heat but more than medium heat).
After 2 more minutes, turn the pancake around and let cook for 2 minutes.
Turn the pancake back over and let cook for 20 seconds and turn off the heat.
Place the pancake on a plate and sprinkle toasted sesames seeds on top. Enjoy with the dipping sauce!

Soul in a Bowl *Rice cake seaweed soup 미역 떡국*

Soul in a Bowl *Rice cake seaweed soup 미역 떡국*

The Spaghetti Remix - Korean Inspired

The Spaghetti Remix - Korean Inspired